
Most Adder products can be fitted into standard 19 "racks and special rack mounting kits. The RMK1 can be used with the following units.

  • ADDERView OSD (4 port and 8 port models) 1U high
  • ADDERView 4 Port OSD
  • ADDERView 8 Port OSD

Kit consists of two metal brackets which bolt onto either side of the ADDERView OSD products (screws supplied)

  • SmartView PRO range

SmartView PRO products are supplied as standard with the rack mount brackets, however if yours have been lost you can order replacements using the following codes:

  • SmartView 4PRO replacement rack mount brackets (1U high)
  • SmartView 8PRO replacement rack mount brackets (1U high)

Most Adder products can be fitted into standard 19 "racks and special rack mounting kits. The RMK1 can be used with the following units.

  • ADDERView OSD (4 port and 8 port models) 1U high
  • ADDERView 4 Port OSD
  • ADDERView 8 Port OSD

Kit consists of two metal brackets which bolt onto either side of the ADDERView OSD products (screws supplied)

  • SmartView PRO range

SmartView PRO products are supplied as standard with the rack mount brackets, however if yours have been lost you can order replacements using the following codes:

  • SmartView 4PRO replacement rack mount brackets (1U high)
  • SmartView 8PRO replacement rack mount brackets (1U high)


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Your Price $90.00 (inc GST)
Availability : In stock
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Adder Rack Mount kit for AdderView/SmartView 1U kit Adder Rack Mount kit for AdderView/SmartView 1U kit
$90.00 In stock