W Intelligent PDU - kWh as a Standard

Monitored kWh PDU

The InfraPower W monitored PDU is a rackmount industrial grade PDU for mission critical data centers and remote install sites. The W PDU meter is designed with a 1.8" color LCD display. It provides a sharp and highly visible reading for the local strip level reading of current(Amp), voltage(Volt), power(kVA, kW), energy consumption(kWh), power factor, as well as temperature and humidity.

This also allows remote monitoring with the use of an IP dongle via a simple, secure web based GUI management interface. W PDU can be cascaded up to a maximum of 16 PDUs using a low cost Cat6 patch cord allowing access control and monitoring via a single IP address over an Ethernet network. The real time monitoring provided by the W PDU cannot only help by reducing manpower and related travel costs, but can also help users with capacity planning and improving the overall efficiency of the data center.